' class='alignleft size-full wp-image-5080' height='300' src='https://breastreconstructionnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Books to motivate and inspire cancer survivors – part one.' style='margin: 5px;' width='200'>For many of our patients, reading the stories of others who have fought cancer and won has given them the edge they needed to continue their fight. We thought a list of these books would be a good reference for anyone curious about or in a struggle with this horrible disease. We titled this blog “Inspirational Books for Cancer Survivors” because we truly believe that your mindset is vital for beating cancer, and we are positive that anyone who reads even one of these books will dramatically increase her odds of surviving cancer. While browsing for books that inspire, we found this video message(opens in a new tab) from Stand Up to Cancer. We hope you find it as touching as we did. On the same page, we found a reading list put together for the September 5 Stand Up to Cancer Event. Please read on for our first blog of inspirational stories of cancer survivors, and please stay tuned for part two. Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips by Kris CarrActress Kris Carr fought liver cancer with gusto and grace. Here is an excerpt from the overview on Barnes and Noble(opens in a new tab): “She (Carr) entered trench warfare (wearing cowboy boots into the MRI machine, no less), vowing, “Cancer needed a makeover, and I was just the gal to do it!” She began writing and filming her journey, documenting her interactions with friends, doctors, alternative “quacks,” blind dates, and other women with cancer—sadly a growing group… CRAZY SEXY CANCER TIPS gathers the lessons learned and advice offered from Carr’s own journey, as well as the experiences of her cancer posse… Chapters cover your changing social life, dating, sex, and appearance; essential health tips on how to boost your immune system; recipes; medical and holistic resources; and information on young survivor support groups.”Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor by Kris CarrWe’ve included the sequel because Kris Carr is a survivor, and we knew her second book had to be as uplifting as the first. Another excerpt from Barnes and Noble(opens in a new tab): “On the heels of Kris Carr’s acclaimed Learning Channel documentary and best-selling survival guidebook Crazy Sexy Cancer Tips comes this survivor's companion. With this beautifully illustrated, go-anywhere resource, Kris redefines what it means to be a survivor. She invites all the Cancer Cowgirls (and dudes) out there to slide into the driver’s seat, turn on their own internal GPS, and become empowered participants in their own healing journey. Pairing her signature sass and smart, soulful, real advice with thoughtful exercises, new contributors, and space for writing and reflecting, Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor reaffirms that it is possible to live a real, fun, crazy, sexy life with cancer—that healing is about truly living.”From the Heart by Robin RobertsWe’ve all watched Robin’s fight against cancer, and we were thrilled to hear she had written a book. We loved it and highly recommend it because the advice in it resonates with all of us and should be required reading for everyone. We couldn’t agree more with Ann Burns’ review(opens in a new tab), so we’ve included it here. “Recently diagnosed with breast cancer, Roberts, co-anchor of ABC's Good Morning America and former anchor of ESPN's Sports Center, has written a compelling book revealing the secret to her success. She reflects on Hurricane Katrina, recounting her ordeal on the Gulf Coast; her 15 years at ESPN; growing up in Pass Christian, MS; her faith; and much more. As a young woman, tennis was her first true passion, but she didn't realize her dream of becoming a professional. Roberts's rules include ‘Position yourself to take the shot; never play the race, gender, or any other card; venture outside your comfort zone; and keep faith, family, and friends close to your heart.’ She concludes by advising her listeners to break her rules and write their own: ‘live your life, let it happen, enjoy the ride.’ With musical interludes and the author's lively presentation, this moving program is highly recommended for most libraries.”—Ann BurnsDo you have a favorite inspirational book? Please include it below.
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