' class='alignleft size-full wp-image-5341' height='180' src='https://breastreconstructionnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/1418531307_c03571f3bd_m-Nita-Lind_Flickr.jpg' style='margin: 5px;' width='240'>Keeping your skin healthy, hydrated, and clean is your top priority. It’s imperative that you maintain great skin care—especially on your face—to keep your skin looking younger, brighten your complexion, and regularly hydrate your pores to prevent adult acne, blemishes, and skin discoloration. There are countless facial cleansers, scrubs, and masks on the market, but many are filled with harmful chemicals and unnatural ingredients. We suggest creating your own at-home facial mask to ensure that you’re putting only the very best mixture on your precious skin! At your next “girls’ night,” mani-pedi day, or personal relaxation time, try mixing together one of these DIY facial masks for a fresh, clean, and bright face: Olive Oil Facial CleanserCombine 2 teaspoons of high quality olive oil, half a teaspoon of lemon oil (NOT lemon juice), and 2 tablespoons of Greek yogurt. Rub the mixture into your skin and leave it on your face and neck for a few minutes. Try not to leave it on for too long! Wipe the mask away with a warm washcloth. You can use this mask every day, and we recommend using it as soon as you wake up in the morning. Your skin will be refreshed and softer than you could imagine! Remember to use very high quality olive oil and lemon oil. This mask combats acne and moisturizes dry skin.Teatime TonerIt’s important to use toner on your skin, especially on the delicate skin around your eyes. This toner treatment is designed to reduce swelling, relax your face, and bring energy and revitalization back into your skin. To create this “Teatime Toner,” choose a high quality green tea and brew a cup. Let the tea sit out and cool (DON’T put ice cubes in this, or it will dilute the solution). Take a round makeup sponge and soak it in the tea. Gently squeeze out the excess and place the makeup sponges directly on your eyelids, or around that area. Keep these sponges on your face for 15-20 minutes before bed, and you’ll notice tighter skin and cleaner pores in no time. Forget the alcohol-based toners. This one is skin-friendly and smells great, too!The Dry Skin SolutionIn a bowl, mix together 2 tablespoons of honey with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice. Add this sticky mixture to a cleaned, washed face for 20 minutes or more, and then gently remove the mask from your skin with cold water. Use this mask when you’ve spent the day at the beach, outside, or after a workout. Your skin will be refreshed, moisturized, and healed.Oatmeal ScrubFor a great at-home skin exfoliator, try this facial scrub: combine 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon olive oil in a bowl. Take a packet of plain oatmeal (just the original kind—no flavor), use slightly less water than the packet calls for, and cook it. Mix this together and ensure you’ve created a sticky paste. After the oatmeal cools, add the honey-oil mixture to it. Take the oatmeal mask in your fingers and apply small amounts to your skin, and anywhere on your body you may need to exfoliate. You’ll end up with beautiful, soft skin!Photo Credit: Neeta Lind(opens in a new tab)Do you make your own facial masks? Share your favorite recipes and combinations with us below.
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