' class='alignleft size-medium wp-image-5462' height='225' src='https://breastreconstructionnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/rose-142429_640-300x225.jpg' style='margin: 5px;' width='300'>This week, Dr. Richard M. Kline of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your question. QUESTION: Hello, I'm a breast cancer survivor. My doctors will not do a reconstruction because they say I have to lose weight. The medicine I'm taking causes me to have body aches and pains, and I've gained weight because of it. I'm also afraid that my cancer will return. I'm financially strained and really feel left behind when it comes to improving my body; I want to feel whole again and wanted. I just turned 50 and have been cancer free since June 2011. I'm excited to have another chance to live, but I want to feel like a whole woman again with complete confidence. What are my options? Thank you for your time. ANSWER: Hi there, I'm sorry you're having these problems, but we will help if we can. We have learned from hard experiences that it can be dangerous to do reconstruction with your own tissue (we do not do implant reconstruction, as a rule) in patients who are significantly overweight. That being said, the guidelines for using tissue are not strictly rigid, and it depends to some extent on how the extra fat is distributed in your body. If you would like to investigate further, we could have our nurse Chris or PA Kim call and chat with you. Thanks again for your inquiry. Have a great day! Dr. Richard Kline Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction Have a question about breast reconstruction or post-surgical care you’d like answered from our surgical team? Just ask us(opens in a new tab)!
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