This week, James E. Craigie, MD, of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your question.Question: I had bilateral nipple sparing mastectomies on 2/9/16 and developed a large necrotic area on the lower pole of my left breast. Air expanders and Alloderm were placed during the surgery and I have also developed redness over the area where the Alloderm is on my right breast. I have been on Keflex 250 mg qid since surgery and Levaquin was added yesterday, 2/26. My surgeon plans to debride the necrosis and perform a skin flap on Friday 3/4. Of course there is no staging of the area under the necrosis at this point. (It turned dusky the day after surgery.) But I am keen to avoid two surgeries. My questions are these: In your opinion, is it prudent to remove the expanders, allow time for healing and then consider latissimus flap on the left? Under that circumstance, what options are there for healing the wound after debridement? Would closing good skin to good skin be best (I understand distortion is a given) and then flap it later? I will have to be referred for flap surgery and am trying to do diligence on who best to request for this. I am grateful for any advice you might be willing to offer.Answer: I’m sorry to hear that you are having a difficult time. From what I can gather from your question it sounds like you have had a difficult time with both breasts. On your left side the healing would be less complicated if you had the expander removed. On the right side if you have an infection then it is possible that the implant may have to be removed. If the implants are removed then when you have healed you may consider using your own skin and fatty tissue instead of trying another expander. We specialize in breast reconstruction using your own fatty tissue without using implants and without sacrificing your important muscles. That includes the latissimus muscle. I suggest you ask your surgeons if you can consider that route as an option. I’m sorry I can’t be more specific without more information from you about your situation, previous surgeries and medical history. If you would like more information I could have my office contact you for specifics. Just let me know. Thank you for your question.Have a question about breast reconstruction or post-surgical you’d like answered from our surgical team? Just ask!(opens in a new tab)”
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