This week, Gail Lanter, CPC of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your question.Question: I am looking for a p.s. who specializes in microvas. breast recon. I had dcis in 2014 lumpectomy with 6 weeks rads followed by bilat mast. 2016 with immed. recon with expanders then implants in March. Then I got a serious infection in the left (rad) breast, had implant removed and refused to do have lat flap done. I am thin and one ps said I might be able to do a bodylift type or one where they take from my backside and use an implant on both sides. I do not want the implant I have now. It is subpec and is painful. Can someone help? I have anthem bc/bs and you are out of network. I do not have 8500 to have this done at another location. My insurance is agreeable to a pay if the it is in network. I can't afford much out of pocket. We are low middle class, but don't qualify for help.Answer: Hi and thanks for your inquiry. Glad you found us – you’ve definitely found a team that specializes in microvascular breast reconstruction. Regarding your insurance, does your card have a little suitcase on the lower corner of your card? If so, we’re actually in network for you utilizing the Blue Card program through our contract with BCBS of S.C. I’m happy to check into that and assure that is the case if you would like. I’d only need a copy of the front and back of your card and some basic demographic information like – Name of insured on card and birthday if different from yours, your birthday, and address. I can run eligibility in a matter of minutes once I’ve received the information.Also, I am sure that one of our physicians will be sending an answer to the remainder of your question very soon.I look forward to your reply, we’d love to help you!Have a question about breast reconstruction or post-surgical you’d like answered from our surgical team? Just ask(opens in a new tab)!
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