This week, Richard M. Kline, Jr., MD, of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your question about breast reconstruction. Question: I had reconstruction about 6 years ago after a double mastectomy. I had several surgeries for revisions. I had an SGAP on my right and stacked DIEP on left. Everything was fine until a month and a half ago when I was hit by a driver who ran a stop sign and t-boned me. My car was totalled. I had an impact on my right breast from the steering wheel and the airbags. For the past two months, I have had a large knot on my right breast. This is the SGAP one. It is painful and the knot is the same size. Could there be long-term damage to the reconstructed breast from the accident?Answer: If you are still having problems, you should see a plastic surgeon, and likely he or she will order some type of imaging (CT scan or MRI) to assess the situation. It is certainly possible that the flap could be damaged, or even other structures, such as your pectoralis muscle. While it might or might not be possible to do anything to improve any damage, I do recommend that you see someone to have it investigated.Have a question about breast reconstruction or post-surgical you’d like answered from our surgical team? Just ask!(opens in a new tab)
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