This week, James E. Craigie, MD, of The Center for Natural Breast Reconstruction answers your question.Question: I had my surgery in 2012 , double reconstruction. I had Bariatric surgery in 9/2006. I have continued to lose weight. Now under 130 lbs, my breast are sort dwindling away. Is there a way to take all of the extra skin I have on my arms and thighs to save my reconstruction? Answer: There is probably some way to use at least some of the tissue you describe, but we may have to get a little creative. One potential option would be to harvest fat from the involved areas to graft into the breasts, then excise the extra skin. It also may be possible to transfer the thigh tissue as another flap, but that would obviously be much more involved. If you would like to come for a visit, we can evaluate you and carefully consider the options.Have a question about breast reconstruction or post-surgical you’d like answered from our surgical team? Just ask(opens in a new tab)!
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