Since that incident in Boston all those years ago, Americans have largely shunned tea in favor of coffee. But now that most of us aren’t holding any grudges about King George’s taxation system, it might be time to start reintroducing the drink to your daily routine. Here are five excellent reasons to swap out your morning java for a cup of tea. 1. Tea has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer(opens in a new tab) and other serious diseases. While researchers are still debating the exact impact tea has on cancer, studies have shown that rates of lung, prostate, and breast cancer(opens in a new tab) decreased most significantly in tea-drinking populations. In addition, tea helps guard against heart disease, reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, and reduce cholesterol. Credit the beverage’s polyphenals with many of these disease-fighting capabilities. 2. Tea keeps you healthy in the long term. The antioxidants in tea have been shown to help protect skin against damage from the sun and from aging. These powerful compounds have also been shown to reduce acne as much as the harsh topical treatment benzoyl peroxide. One more boon of regular tea drinking? Tea drinkers have been shown to have stronger bones than their “tea-totaling” peers. Some researchers suggest that the phytochemicals found in tea can take the credit for this benefit. 3. Tea makes you look better. A natural source of both tannins and fluoride, tea helps protect teeth from decay (as long as you drink it sans sugar!). Even better? Drinking five or more cups of green tea daily boosts your metabolism slightly, which may aid in weight loss. If you’re happy with the way you look, drink tea for itsstress-reduction(opens in a new tab) properties, which will help you feel great, too. 4. Tea has no calories. Hot or cold, tea is a calorie-free way to refresh yourself. To make sure you aren’t consuming unwanted sugars, brew your own iced tea rather than using sweetener-laden powders. 5.Tea keeps you alert (without feeling jittery). Because tea has less caffeine than coffee, it imparts a feeling of mental alertness without causing the jitters. In the long term, tea has been shown to reduce the risk of cognitive impairment, thus contributing to better brain function over time. Even if you’re a diehard coffee guzzler, a cup of herbal tea in the evening or a mug or two of tea instead of your afternoon fix could help you enjoy the health-boosting, disease-busting benefits of this wonder drink!
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